Archive for April, 2010

Workflow Foundation Correlation Token error

Within a workflow that I was developing, there was a requirement to notify a group of SharePoint users that a lookup service had failed.  This particular activity was within a parallel activity sequence.  I chose to use the SendEmail activity to notify the users, but incorrectly set the Correlation Token to a new value.  When testing this functionality in the workflow I received an error:

SharePoint LOG
  1. WinWF Internal Error, terminating workflow Id#
  2. System.InvalidOperationException: Correlation value has not been initialized on declaration emailToken_JobNumberCreate for activity sendEmail_JobNumberNotCreated. at System.Workflow.Activities.CorrelationService.InvalidateCorrelationToken

The correct Correlation Token for a SendMail Activity is the “Workflow” token.  The reason, which is fairly obvious, is that the SendEmail activity maps to the workflow, not to a task, which would require a Task Token.

Source 1

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The U2U CAML Query tag

While I was building a CAML query for retrieving files from a document library, I used the U2U CAML query tool to construct the query syntax.  It worked fine in the tool and returned the proper data, but when I used that query in the code, I found that ALL files were returned and not just the ones I expected.

As it turns out, the U2U CAML Query tool adds the tag <Query> to the query although it should not be included when using it to query items from a SPList.   (Note: There are some instances where the Query tag is required, but for this case, it is not)

Here is a sample query:

SPListCollection spBPDLListCollection = spBPDLWeb.Lists;
SPList splist = spBPDLListCollection[documentLibraryName];

SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
// CAML for looking up documents owned by current user
query.Query = “<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name=’Author’ /><Value Type=’User’>”
+ currentDisplayName + “</Value></Contains></Where>

// get the items specified with the query
SPListItemCollection items = splist.GetItems(query);

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Searching Stored Procedures

Here is a quick and easy way to search of stored procedures, views, user functions from within a database:

 –Search ALL user functions, views, stored procs

USE [PortalData]

SELECT OBJECT_NAME([id]) FROM syscomments

WHERE [id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype IN (‘fn’, ‘P’, ‘v’, ‘TR’, ‘U’, ‘X’))

AND [text] LIKE ‘%TypeSearchStringHere%

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